Thursday, September 24, 2009

College Football Today: This Weeks Picks

Here is College Football picks for the week.  Most teams are entering conference play and there are no huge games that should tip the polls in any major way; however there should be some pretty entertaining games such as Notre Dame vs. Purdue, Colorado State vs. BYU, Arizona vs. Oregon State, Michigan State vs. Wisconsin, Clemson vs. TCU, and California vs. Oregon.  Happy Valley is a rocking place so Penn State vs. Iowa should be a good game for the visual effect if nothing else.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Market in a Minute, September 21, 2009

Presented by Alan Favre, CFP
Authored by Partick Adams, CFA

Our position on the market is, sentiment is very much tilted to too many bulls, valuation is not excessive but is full, the market is overbought, and GDP growth will slow after the 3rd quarter. We could avoid a correction but the odds are against it.